Bubble Tea

Photo by: Scardy_Kat


There's been three of them so far. And I'm excited for the fourth, October 18th.

It's a nice culmination of my desire to cook, to make connections for myself and my people, and to open up my little house.

There's a real joy that comes from that day. I like the people crowded together. I like the conversations that go everywhere and I even like the awkward side stepping some of the guests must do.

Liz has a theory that we must engage with those that we disagree with or we just get caught up in a, "yeah, me too" mentality and no growth can come from solely talking to like minds. I suppose that would be like the preacher speaking to the choir. They are already in church; where's the conversion?

Again, the discours at EGG DAY is to be civil and it has been. And the sarcasm and anger needs to be restrained, which has been done in fantastic measure. I'm looking forward to see what happens next. So come one, come all.

Bubble Tea, Broccoli Quiche and of course the Sage Loaded Sausage Gravy and biscuits were served in September.

